The EPA has established an MS4 stormwater management program that is intended to improve the Nation's waterways by reducing the quantity of pollutants that stormwater picks up and carries into storm sewer systems.
The MS4 department is involved in a variety of activities including:
The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) has designated the City of Angola and Trine University as municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s). The City of Angola and Trine University have signed an MS4 Agreement that designates the two MS4s as co-permittees. The MS4s are required to comply with a state-issued stormwater permit (INR040005). The MS4s are implementing a program to prevent stormwater pollution in urban runoff and improve the water quality of local water bodies.
The Stormwater Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) describes the MS4 program and the way in which the program is implemented. Annual Reporting of the MS4 program implementation measures and goals are required to be submitted to IDEM each year.
For more information on the services provided to the City, please contact our office.